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World Lupus Day & Eye of the Day

Hi beauties!

As you all know today is Mother's Day, but you probably didn't know it is also World Lupus Day! I was diagnosed with lupus last year after knowing I've had it for years. Purple is our awareness color, so I found it only fitting to do a purple look for today.

Lupus is a life-long, life threatening autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body. It takes 8 years on average for someone to be diagnosed with lupus, and that's 8 years far too long. The key to living a long life with lupus is early detection, diagnosis, and proper treatment. Research and raising awareness are our only hope in finding a cure.

Lupus may sound like an exotic, rare disease, but it’s not one to be overlooked. Like many other life-threatening autoimmune diseases, it is important to know the early warning signs of Lupus so that any sufferers may begin battling it early on, even though it’s a very tough disease to identify.

Education and research are essential if we are ever to find a cure for lupus – and this month, perhaps you can help out. Help to spread awareness about the disease by starting conversations on social media, or run some fund raising events for lupus research charities. Lupus is a mysterious and damaging disease, and until a cure can be found, do your bit in May by observing Lupus Awareness Month.

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